Thursday, August 06, 2009

Lazy Blog, No.2

Ok, my brain is fried ... I have drafts for entries started, but, brain, fried, you know. However! I want to keep in the habit of writing. So, another Lazy Blog. Enjoy ...

Dudes I just had a cup of tea and realised I have not updated this since you last visited... You would not believe I spend all my time in front of a computer. Seriously!.

I am totally exhausted with an awfully big adventure, being distracted by the shiny, just generally being asleep, dreaming and chancing to society in general, my day is passing in a blur from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am plotting and planning. life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

I won't promise anything to you but I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. Go with God, good friends. Cats if you don't..

Um, g'night! (Maybe I'll post something more interesting tomorrow!)


  1. Hi Tammy,
    Well, get on your walking shoes and join us! I don't have your email address.(I need it to invite you to be an author on my blog) Email me so that I have your address. Looking forward to walking, clicking and connecting with you!
    Have a great day!

  2. stopping by from SITS.
    hope you have a great week!!!!!


OK, let's be honest, who doesn't looove comments?! Thank you so much for leaving one for me today!